Monday, April 25, 2011

The Place of a Tie in a Man's Life

Silk is an elite fabric, since the ancient times, people from the higher societies were using silk clothes and accessories to highlight their aristocratic origins. Since then, a lot of things have changed, but silk remains to be one of the most appreciated fabric and it is still appreciated by many. It is used both in clothes, accessories and lingerie, it is a fabric produced by natural means, by the silk worms, it is non-allergic, and it reflects the light in its own specific way, which make look very special and like no other tissue.

One of the most popular accessories in a man’s wardrobe remains the tie. And ties are nowadays manufactured from different tissues and fabrics, including from silk. It appears that the silk is the most appreciated fabric for a tie, because the majority of men will always say that a silk tie is the one which indeed looks like a tie, and not just like a fish-shaped piece of fabric. A tie is an accessory that has to drive attention to a man’s suit, to his attitude and his social position, and a silk one will do this better than no other fabrics.

A tie must become a very important part of a man’s life. In most of cases, when he chooses personally a tie, this small accessory reflects his personality and the way he sees himself, the place he thinks he deserves in a group of people. Younger adults tend to catch now the latest trend and wear bright thick silk ties, sometime even in floral patterns, sometimes very dark, if they want to put them in contrast with their outfit. Senior adults tend to wear more sharp patterns, usually geometric shapes and not so contrasting ties. 

From my point of view, a thick silk tie will always put more weight and add more personality to every man. Living in a century of abundance, where we want to prove that we can afford to wear big, yet elegant, accessories, lets the men of nowadays to wear thicker silk ties, with bigger knots, that will add more value and superiority to their overall appearance. Let’s face it:  compared to the other ties, the thick ones, made of silk, are the best looking ties, they reflect not just light, but also a lot of masculinity, personality and it is like the tie regains again more and more attention among the modern men’s accessories.

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